Update to the website

Hi everyone, last night you may have noticed some weird posts to this website. In particular to the RSS feed, on the page footer and in the blog. There was a post about a snake?! What this actually was about, is an update I made to the website yesterday.

What was the update?

The update was the addition of a computer script written in a language called Python. I coded this script in Python because I am familiar with Python. As the previously out of place post suggests, the script I have written is a micro-blogging platform. At the moment it allows me to create new blog posts for the website. It then saves them as a draft, and allows me to publish them when I feel ready.

What's the point?

The point is, the script now automates the publishing process for me. For you, the visitor to my website, it means that the content published will be slightly more consistent in terms of titles and dates. But in essence, it was because I was getting lazy and finding having to update 3 files everytime I wanted to post, a proper pain. Anyway, that's the gist of it. Just thought I would let you know.